Police detained two suspects who attempted to bribe DCI detective...
Police in Kondele, Kisumu County are detaining two suspects for attempting to issue Ksh.179,000 bribe to detectives f...
Police in Kondele, Kisumu County are detaining two suspects for attempting to issue Ksh.179,000 bribe to detectives f...
Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on Friday arrested eight foreigners in Kitale, Trans...
Five officers attached to the Gigiri police station in Nairobi alleged to have aided the escape of 13 remandees have...
The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) is offering a cash reward to anyone who can provide information that...
Detectives in Murang’a County have arrested three men in possession of 15 sacks of Marijuana. The trio,...
The Public Benefit Regulatory Authority has forwarded files to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to la...
DJ Mo’s former illicit lo...
Mapenzi! Zari and Tanasha...
Zuchu Speaks on Diamond P...
Hio Ni Upumbavu Wasituche...
CBK Report: What Kenyan B...
Apple launches iPhone 16...
I love teasing my boyfrie...
The nailing wonder truth
Acting IG Gilbert Masenge...
Shorn Arwa praise couples...
Cristiano Ronaldo reaches...
Cardiff B, Offset welcome...