• Sunday, 23 March 2025
Hio Ni Upumbavu Wasituchezee: CassyPool Reveals The Source Of Diana’s Range Rover

Hio Ni Upumbavu Wasituchezee: CassyPool Reveals The Source Of Diana’s Range Rover

Speaking in an interview with Vickie, Cassypool said that Bahati isn’t the one who owned the Car, as it was given to him by someone else.

“Range Rovers ziko mpaka latest zimetoka saa hii. Huezi kuenda kuchukua Range Rover yenye tunajua unaeka vibuyu za 20 litres huko nyuma inachemka unaipaka colour ya blue unakuja kutuconvince hapa aty umenunuliwa na yule mtoto wa rasta wa Suprano.


Hizi upuzi zote zi story za abunuasi” Cassypool said.


Cassypool went on criticizing the celebrities portraying a fake lifestyle out in the public, saying that these people at the end of the day go to cry in their own big mansions.

“Wasanii watoke kwa hii umpumbavu ya hii competition wata end up kua na depression.

You are too much of yourself to an extent you go an extra mile to do things that you are not supposed to do just to make sure umejenga brand.”

He also denied the fact that Diana’s Range Rover was the only car in the country at the moment, as there are many even later than what Diana was surprised with.

He also shared the reason as to why KRG The Don has been quiet lately, saying that he had advised him to stop showing his expensive lifestyle as they are wordly things that disappear with time.

“KRG ni mtu wa heshima sana ametulia alikaa chini akaskiza mazungumzo yangu nikamfundisha akafuata line…..ndio maana unaona siku hizi hana kelele mingi.”

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