• Friday, 27 September 2024
Patricia Kihoro eulogises her dad who passed way after sudden illness

Patricia Kihoro eulogises her dad who passed way after sudden illness

Veteran actress, singer, and radio host Patricia Kihoro has let the world in on how harrowing the last couple of months have been for her and her family as she eulogized her father who sadly passed away after a long illness.

Patricia revealed she'd fallen into a terrible depressive state which saw her disassociate from the world. She credited her close circle and psychiatrist for helping her find "the sun again," adding she'd now started to come to terms with the loss and coping better. 

"Today marks 11 weeks since my dad died, 77 days trying to figure out how to exist in a world where Dad doesn't. 77 mornings of waking, hoping it's all a bad dream. Yet it still feels like it was just yesterday.

The heartbreak has been indescribable," started the 38-year-old media personality. 

She went on to eulogize her late dad hailing him as a charismatic man full of love and light who perfectly juggled the thin line of being a parent and a friend. 

"I have never known a pain like this, I guess because I will never know a love like his. Dad loved us. His love was big, his smile, wide, his laughter hilariously infectious. I miss him. So much.

He was my friend, confidante, culinary adventure date, drinking buddy, jokester... my dad," Patricia wrote in part. 

Recounting how draining and difficult her dad's passing has been, the singer noted that their family within the last couple of months had suffered loss of several loved ones, throwing them into a heavy mourning period. 

"2 days before Dad, Aunt Josephine, mum's best friend of 50 years unexpectedly died. She helped mum set up the first ever FB fan page to support my singing endeavours 15 years ago. I remember being on stage, seeing her in the audience with mum bawling her eyes out she avoided cameras like the plague.

Soon after Dad, Uncle Martin, on mum's side, also died. He would always enthusiastically ask me if I remembered him holding me at the hospital when I was born (so proud that he was first). I would always say yes as we laughed," the singer narrated.

Adding she was dealing with yet another family loss which threw her off the rails. "I was still reeling from Guka's and Charlie's deaths in Feb when Dad's health took a turn for the worse that same month.

Hardly processing that grief while facing Dad's deteriorating health. Mentally, in shambles. Physically, in and out of hospitals for Dad's multiple stays. Failing at holding my life together as Dad's body gradually failed him. 

And then he died, and I came undone,"

I fell into a state, barely seeing beyond tomorrows. Almost catatonic, steeped in pain nothing mattered except mum and my brothers. If not for family, my friends, and my psychiatrist, I don't know.

But the clouds are parting. The sun is finding me again.

This pain though, is a beautiful pain and in some way, I don't ever want it to end. It's a beautiful reminder of the big, expansive love that I, we, had the privilege of experiencing while they were here.

'It is said that all that we love is merely loaned to us, and we must not take our companions for granted. We must uphold our side of that ancient bargain.'

Till we meet again. I love you, always," the last of her lengthy emotional post read. 


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