• Saturday, 05 October 2024

"I want a baby brother " Dj Pierra makena's daughter Ricca Pokot says

Pierra Makena has responded to her daughter's request to give her a sibling.

According to Ricca, she would want a baby brother.

Speaking on Churchill Show, she shared

"I am an only child.

I have been forcing my mum to get a baby.

I want a boy. I am a girl and I need a boy in case I am bullied he can protect me.

But I will appreciate whatever I get."

Her mum responded

'In this economy getting a brother is hard.'I am a single mum.

I have to have a man."

To which Ricca responded

'The right man can wait, but a sibling has to come fast."

In a past interview with Oga Obinns Pierra shared why she is still unmarried at 42.

Truth be told, Pierra is a go-getter, she is beautiful and hard-working yet to meet her Mr Right.

" Who says there is an age one should be married?

I have had people saying am saying certain things because I am not married.

I do not want to get married to the wrong person to please the society.

I have not met that one person who I can say 'I want to spend the rest of my life with them.'

Her ideal man would be?

"God-fearing, Hard working.

Jitume, you do not have to be rich, A man who is clean and smells good. A good kisser."

She says she would want more kids.

Would she hit on a man?

'I would never hit on a man, what if he says no?

I can use someone but I can't do so directly.

I have been rejected a couple of times before."

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