• Thursday, 04 July 2024
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua graced the launch of 'The Bahati's Empire' as the chief guest

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua graced the launch of 'The Bahati's Empire' as the chief guest

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua reiterated his support for the creative industry on Thursday, June 6 at the launch of the Bahati's Empire Reality show set to air on Netflix.

Gachagua was the chief guest at the event, and addressed guests at the much-hyped event, declaring that the Government is committed to growing and supporting the industry.

He began by asking the audience to observe a minute of silence for the late Njambi Koikai.

"I do follow what goes on in the creative world. Through Talanta Hela we are investing in the growth of the creative industry. The sector is open to unlimited opportunities for our people, especially the youth," DP Gachagua said.

In his speech, the DP praised Diana and Bahati for breaking borders, pointing out they are taking Kenyan content to the world.

"Our Government led by William Ruto is indeed proud. your focus and hard work have given birth to an international star. You are now taking the globe by storm via Netflix. For this my good couple you are a flame of inspiration.  As we launch the Bahatis empire tonight you are opening a window to showcasing Kenyan's creative economy. In this reality show, we are taking Kenyan content to the world. This is per our government's plan," he noted about their journey.

He added that the Government is seeking partners and collaborations with social media apps to monetize content.

"We are grateful to the President for being deliberate on the development of deliberate ecosystems to support the digital and creative economy through resource mobilization"

DP Gachagua called on more creatives to follow in the footsteps of Diana and Bahati 

"We look forward to more couples conquering the globe," he added.


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