• Saturday, 27 July 2024
The director of a children's home has been sentenced to 100 years in prison for defilement.

The director of a children's home has been sentenced to 100 years in prison for defilement.

The director of a children's home who was convicted of defiling boys in his care was sentenced to 100 years in prison.

Stephen Nzuki Mutisya, 29, was sentenced to life in prison by Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate Zainab Abdul, who described the act as "beauteous and inhuman."

Mutisya defiled the boys at a children's home in Nairobi's Utawala estate between 2010 and 2016. "Boys and girls of tender age must be protected from such unkind human beings by the court with all its might," Ms. Abdula ruled.

The magistrate stated that courts are empowered by law to protect the vulnerable by imposing harsh sentences on such men as a deterrent to those who violate children's rights.

Mutisya, the court noted, had been entrusted to properly care for and guide the boys, as well as instill good values, because he presented himself as a practicing Christian.

"The accused is a wolf in sheep's clothing." He has been betrayed by his actions. "He misapplied and misquoted the holy scriptures to persuade the victims that what he was doing to them was godly," Ms. Abdul ruled.

The magistrate stated that by misleading the boys by quoting the Bible and sexually abusing them, he violated his initial calling as a role model for poor boys.

Mutisya was found guilty of minor defilement between 2010 and 2016.

When sentencing Mutisya, the magistrate took into account the victims' recorded statements, which urged the court to impose a deterrent sentence.

"The court considered the victims' impact report that was submitted to this court." "The victims were thankful to the court for convicting the accused," Ms. Abdul said.

"The victims asked this court to impose a harsh custodial sentence," she added.

She stated that the sentence should serve as a deterrent to others who commit similar crimes.

When she convicted the accused late last month, the magistrate stated that Mutisya exploited the children by quoting Bible verses to them in an attempt to persuade them that his illegal acts were sanctioned by the Bible.

During the trial, the victims positively identified the rapist, according to Ms. Abdul.

The victims were all under the age of ten.

The crimes were committed in Utawala, Nairobi County, at (Scream Africa Child Home and Vijiko School).

Mutisya used to take the boys to his house, feed and drink them, and tell them Bible stories before abusing them. They were defiled at various points between 2010 and 2016.

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