• Saturday, 27 July 2024
Taiwan charges ten people in connection with the Uganda student labor scam.

Taiwan charges ten people in connection with the Uganda student labor scam.

Everyone needs a foundation on which to build their career. Whether in education, work placements, or even relationships. More often than not, we get dissolution, and what we get is not what we saw. Is it better to live in the east or west? OK, that depends on the individual.
Developing is a story about ten students from Uganda who had got a 'scholarship'


Taiwanese prosecutors indicted a senior university official and nine others on Friday. The indictment involved a scholarship scam in which Ugandan students work in a factory instead of studying.


The case became public in January after local media reported student complaints. They worked as "interns" at factories.

The Taiwan government and the ministry of education have since denied Chung Chou University of Science and Technology the right to accept foreign students.


On Friday, district prosecutors charged the school's dean of student affairs. The deputy chief of the county government's youth development department was indicted alongside eight others for various offenses ranging from human trafficking to fraud and corruption.


Prosecutors claim that the dean and two colleagues "tricked" the Ugandans into coming to study at the university in late 2019. They came from "false promises of hefty scholarships and high-tech industry internships."

Upon arrival in Taiwan, the university indicated that they owed the school for travel and other expenses. The students were unaware of this and would have to work long hours at local factories.


Prosecutors claimed that the deputy chief failed to investigate the alleged exploitation. The factory was not charged with violation of labor laws because there was no evidence of such.

The deputy director of a foreign shelter was charged in the case after disclosing the location of a Ugandan student to a school employee.

Taiwan prides itself on being one of Asia's most progressive democracies. It is a government that promotes human rights. It has attention-grabbing moves like legalizing same-sex marriage in 2019.


But, the island faces chastising for labor exploitation. It has had a bad history of the treatment of foreign migrant workers.

Taiwan's deep-sea fishing industry, the world's second-largest after China, has also several alleged cases of widespread migrant abuse. Their government is now committing more than $68 million to improve working conditions.





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