• Friday, 20 September 2024
NTSA suspends two PSV saccos licenses for violating transport and speed regulations

NTSA suspends two PSV saccos licenses for violating transport and speed regulations

The National Transport and Safety Authority has suspended the operating licenses for Passenger Service Vehicle Saccos namely Bungoma Line Safari Ltd and Smart Highways Sacco Ltd.

NTSA Director General George Njao in a statement on Friday said the two Saccos had violated transport and speed regulations as contained in the Traffic Act.

"The suspensions were necessitated by the Saccos' failure to comply with provisions of Section 5 of the NTSA ( Operation of PSV) Regulations, 2014 and analysis of speed data violations that were compiled through the NTSA Intelligent Road Safety Management System (IRSMS)," stated NTSA.

The Authority thus directed the two Saccos to adhere to the transport regulations by presenting their vehicles for inspection and their drivers for retesting failure to which the police would take action and impound the vehicles.

"In its decision, the Authority expects the Saccos to comply with all the requirements of the Traffic Act, the PSV Regulations and present their vehicles for compliance inspection to establish their roadworthiness and to confirm the functionality of the installed speed limiters," stated the DG.

"The National Police Service ( NPS) has been advised to impound vehicles operating contrary to the suspension."

NTSA further outlined the number of vehicles to be presented for compliance inspection at NTSA by the two Saccos with Line Safari expected to present 162 vehicles while Smart Highways 29.

As for speed compliance, Line Safari will present 162 vehicles as Smart Highways brings 27.

At the same time all drivers of both companies will have to undergo safety sensitization with 14 drivers and two drivers from Line and Smart Highways Saccos required to be retested respectively.

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