• Friday, 20 September 2024

"My net worth is ksh 600 million, mainly from residential properties" Wycliffe Oparanya reveals

Cooperatives and MSME Development Cabinet Secretary nominee Wycliffe Oparanya has placed his net worth at Ksh.600 million.

Appearing before the National Assembly Committee on Appointments for vetting at County Hall in Nairobi on Sunday, Oparanya said his wealth is mainly comprised of residential properties.

“It is mainly it is buildings and houses that I reside in,” Oparanya told Parliament.

Oparanya at the same time proposed a consolidation of the Hustler Fund, Uwezo Fund, Youth Fund, and funds for people living with disabilities as well as other similar ones, under one board of management to reduce their running costs.

“That is the best way, but sometimes doing this is a political decision which you have to leave to the President to make,” Oparanya told the committee.

He suggested sensitisation for the public to ensure Kenyans understand the motive behind the move.

On the Ksh. 1.3 billion graft scandal he has been linked to, the former Kakamega governor maintained innocence and alleged abuse of institutions like the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to victimise some political figures.

“It is unfortunate because in the event they lose focus, they go for the squirrel yet the elephant is in the room,” he said.

Oparanya maintained that he is not aware of details about any ongoing probe against him and he has never been grilled on the case by any authorities.

He argued that the probe has been one-sided, saying, “In August 2023 I was very active in demonstrations. I was called by someone and was told that the EACC was looking for me and I asked that person what being in demonstrations has to do with EACC.”

The CS nominee said he be approved, he is ready to resign if found guilty of graft.

“If you give me this position and I am found guilty of stealing money from Kakamega County, I am ready to resign,” said Oparanya.

In the case, EACC is probing Oparanya alongside his spouses in the alleged embezzlement of Ksh.1.3 billion which occurred during his two-term tenure as the Kakamega leader.

Meanwhile, Oparanya said if approved as a minister, he would work with the Treasury ministry to enforce performance contracts of leaders across state agencies and parastatals.

“If I come into the office, I will talk to my colleague in the Treasury… I will take that up because it makes people work hard and it is good because it makes us accountable to the public, he said.


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