• Monday, 16 September 2024
Kakamega: Body of 22-year-old girl found killed and  dumped along village path in Lugari area

Kakamega: Body of 22-year-old girl found killed and dumped along village path in Lugari area

Police are currently investigating the murder of a 22-year-old woman named Priscah Lichuma, whose lifeless body was discovered abandoned on a path in Lunyito village in Lugari Sub-County, Kakamega County, early Wednesday morning. 

Lugari Sub-County OCPD, Bernard Ngungu, informed WKT that there are suspicions she may have been the victim of a heinous crime, potentially gang rape, which occurred in a thicket approximately 60 meters away from the location where her body was found.

Statements have been provided by her family members, including parents, a sister, and other relatives. However, OCPD Ngungu noted discrepancies in their accounts, leading authorities to consider the possibility of family involvement in the incident.

“She might have been strangled subsequent to a gang rape, contradicting claims by some family members that this occurred on Tuesday evening. The state of decomposition observed in her body disputes the timeline provided. Conflicting reports from the family have prompted our investigation to focus on unraveling the truth,” the OCPD said.

Law enforcement officers are currently stationed in the vicinity, intensifying efforts to determine the nature of the murder and apprehend any potential suspects.

The deceased’s remains have been transferred to the Kimbilio Funeral Home, awaiting a post-mortem examination as part of the ongoing investigation.

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