• Saturday, 27 July 2024
In Homa Bay, a man was slain while attempting to rape a 70-year-old widow.

In Homa Bay, a man was slain while attempting to rape a 70-year-old widow.

One night, villagers in Kanyandiga, Rachuonyo, Homa Bay County, attacked and killed a 25-year-old man.


They were responding to 911 calls from a 70-year-old widow after Maurice Ondiek broke into her home at 3 a.m.

Angry bystanders descended on the suspect without giving him the opportunity to defend him.

He died later that day as a result of his injuries.

The old woman claimed the culprit, who was from the nearby Kasewe area, tried to rape her before the people interfered.

She stated that she was sleeping when she heard a knock on her door.

"I was startled to hear someone knocking on the door around 3 a.m. "I wasn't expecting any visitors, especially so early in the morning," she explained.

The widow and the suspect exchanged a few words as the senior citizen inquired about Ondiek's goal in the early hours of the morning.

The man, on the other hand, pushed his way inside the residence by kicking in the door and breaking the locks.

He rushed up to the woman and attacked her.


He rushed up to the woman and attacked her.

"He bit me and beat me with a stool. I was perplexed and had no idea what he was after "explained the widow. She then called 911, and her family members, who live nearby, were among the first to arrive.

They held the suspect in order to question him, and other people quickly arrived at the house at about 6 a.m.

Bay in exchange for his blood

Neighbors armed with rudimentary weapons began baying for the suspect's blood.

Some people decided to attack him after hearing what had happened.

Villagers assaulted the suspect with rough items, according to Kojwach area Chief Caroline Onyango.

Ondiek died while being treated at Oyugis' Rachuonyo South Sub-County Hospital.

Ms. Onyango warned citizens against taking the law into their own hands.

"He could have been detained and allowed security to do their job of arresting him," she says.

"Following the attack, he lost consciousness. He was transported to the hospital for treatment "She stated.

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