• Saturday, 05 October 2024
Gene Editing, Obesity Drugs And Long-Living Dogs: The Year In Biotech

Gene Editing, Obesity Drugs And Long-Living Dogs: The Year In Biotech

Like a lot of sectors, the biopharma industry kicked off a tumultuous year with a number of shakeups. Big and small biotech companies alike saw thousands of layoffs, not to mention significant leadership changes.

In the startup landscape, one big change has been a strategic shift among investors. According to a recent report from Pitchbook, this year will see only about 840 deals totaling about $24 billion–a major decline from 2021, which saw over 1,500 deals totaling nearly $60 billion. One big driver of the deal decline? The report points to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in the spring of this year, which led “to funding challenges and increased investment caution.”

The report also notes a “strategic shift” in the types of deals seen in 2023, “with a trend toward fewer but more significant deals.” For venture capitalists looking to make investments, the report notes a bigger focus on startups grounded in good clinical outcomes, as well as biotech companies that are devoted to developing platforms that could contribute to creating multiple drugs, as opposed to biotechs focused on just one or two therapies.

But 2023 also saw a number of technological advancements hit some major milestones, not to mention some big changes in how investors are approaching the sector. “There's gonna be a lot of building this year,” Vijay Pande, a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz had predicted to Forbes in January — and he wasn’t wrong.

Here’s four of the year-defining moments and trends that shaped biotech in 2023–and will continue to do so in the coming years.

The FDA Approves The First Crispr Gene Therapy

In January 2013, the first seminal papers describing the use of bacterial genome sequences for gene editing — called “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,” or “Crispr” for short — were published. These research papers highlighted the ability to use these bacterial tools to simplify the process of correcting genetic disorders. Just a little over a decade later, in December 2023, that promise was realized when the first gene therapy utilizing Crispr tools was approved by the FDA.


The drug was co-developed by Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Crispr Therapeutics, a startup cofounded by Emmanuelle Charpentier, a co-winner of the Nobel Prize for her Crispr discoveries. Called Casvegy, the therapy treats patients with sickle cell anemia by first removing a portion of their bone marrow cells, editing the genes within those cells, then transplanting them back into the patients. Data presented by Vertex a few days after the drug was approved showed that the genetic changes still endured four years after patients were treated.

This is just the beginning for potential gene therapies utilizing Crispr technology. There are dozens of drugs in the clinical pipeline already. Since Crispr was first discovered, scientists have also been developing next-generation tools with the technology that enable more precise gene editing and open the door for editing genes within a patients’ own body. Multiple biotech companies utilizing these technologies have launched in recent years, and the first drugs developed using next gen tools have also entered clinical trials.

GLP-1s Hit The Big Time

GLP-1 drugs Ozempic, Wegovy and Monjourno have been around for a couple of years now, but 2023 was the year they truly broke out. The drugs, which produce significant improvements for patients with diabetes and obesity with few side effects, have become enormous revenue drivers for Danish company Novo Nordisk and Indiana-based pharmaceutical company Lilly. In its most recent earnings report, Novo Nordisk saw sales of Ozempic (for diabetes) and Wegovy (for obesity) increase by 36% in the first nine months of 2023, reaching a total of nearly $23 billion despite facing major shortages due to manufacturing bottlenecks.

Lilly's Mounjaro has also been a blockbuster for the company, with its nearly $3 billion in 2023 sales contributing to the company’s 37% year-to-year revenue growth in its last quarterly earnings report. Investors have rewarded the company with a nearly 60% growth in its stock price since the beginning of the year. And they’re being rewarded in turn, as Lilly just approved a 15% dividend increase earlier this month. The trend’s likely to continue since the FDA recently approved Lilly’s drug as a treatment for obesity, which it now markets under the name Zepbound.

Other companies are eagerly working to get into the GLP-1 game, such as Roche, which earlier this month announced its acquisition of Carmot Therapeutics. That deal, potentially worth up to $3.1 billion, will give Roche three potential GLP-1 drugs for diabetes and obesity currently in clinical trials. Despite Lilly and Novo Nordisk’s lead, there’s still plenty of market share to be had in the space: a report published this month by Goldman Sachs estimates that there are over 100 million adults in the United States who have conditions that could potentially be treated with GLP-1 drugs. The same report suggests that it’s eventually possible for these drugs to generate $400 billion in revenue annually in the United States alone.

Whole Genome Sequencing Enters The Clinic

Since the Human Genome Project was completed in 2003, there have been significant advances in genome sequencing, making it better, faster and more useful. To get the speed required for applications like diagnostics, sequencers would chop DNA up into tiny bits so they could be quickly “read” and put in order. This produced powerful advances but limited how much information researchers and doctors could obtain about a person’s genes.

That’s recently changed with the advent of what’s called “whole genome” sequencing, which allows DNA to be cut in larger chunks in ways that make it easier for sequencing machines to put them back together in the right order. This technology enables an understanding of the structure of a person’s DNA, which provides a better understanding of how those genes actually work in a person’s body.

In 2023, whole genome sequencing made some strides out of research labs and public health applications and into actual clinical practice. Earlier this month, Orchid, a startup backed by 23andMe Cofounder Anne Wojcicki and Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, announced that its whole genome sequencing of embryos is now available in IVF clinics. These reports enable prospective parents to screen embryos for genetic risks and improve the chance of having a viable pregnancy.

And in October, Kansas City-based Children’s Mercy Hospital announced it was putting its whole genome sequencers, manufactured by PacBio, into clinical practice. This will enable the hospital to accelerate its ability to diagnose genetic diseases in its patients, Tomi Pastinen, the hospital’s genomic medicine director, told Forbes. He added that he also hopes that his hospital’s decision will inspire others to do the same. “We hope that clinical adoption is the catalyst to really open the floodgates for these types of genome sequencing,” he added.

A Startup Finds A Promising Way To Live Longer (If You’re A Dog)

There’s no shortage of books, supplements and podcasts promising the secret to adding healthy years to your lifespan, but despite the hype there’s still no approved drugs to extend humans’ lifespan–or any other animal, for that matter. That’s where Celine Halioua comes in. Her company, Loyal, is developing drugs that could potentially help dogs live longer, with an eye to perhaps one day doing the same for people.

In the spring, the FDA okayed her company’s first clinical trials for LOY-001, a drug that aims to help big, older dogs live longer by reducing amounts of the hormone that gave them their size. Then in the fall, its preliminary studies garnered Loyal a key regulatory thumbs up from the FDA, with the evidence provided being enough to support the idea that its drug would be reasonably effective in extending the lifetime of a larger dog.

The company plans to spend next year getting the rest of the regulatory approvals it needs from the FDA to bring the drug to market. After that, the vision is “to take what we learned from dogs and translate that into preventative medicine for age-related diseases in people,” Halioua told Forbes.

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