• Friday, 18 October 2024
Examining the advantages of crying for one's health

Examining the advantages of crying for one's health

For the past one month, Gen Z protesters  have been hitting the streets in a bid to demonstrate against the bad taxes and poor governance faced resistance from the police officers as they shot teargas to peaceful protesters.

But how do crying benefit someone, recent research suggests it serves a much broader purpose than simply expressing emotions.

Tears can be a natural response to a variety of feelings, from grief and frustration to joy and relief. Crying can also have positive health benefits?

Some types of tears are as follows 

Basal tears:

These lubricate and protect our eyes throughout the day.

Reflex tears:

These are triggered by irritants like dust or smoke.

Emotional tears:

These flow in response to strong emotions, both positive and negative.

Emotional tears contain more stress hormones and endorphins compared to other types of tears. This unique composition might explain the potential health benefits associated with crying.

Stress relief:

Crying can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for our relaxation response. This shift can help us feel calmer and more centered after a stressful experience.


Studies suggest that emotional tears may contain stress hormones and toxins released from the body during crying.

Pain management:

Endorphins released during crying have natural pain-relieving properties, potentially offering temporary relief from both physical and emotional discomfort.

Improved mood:

The release of endorphins alongside emotional expression might contribute to an overall mood boost after a good cry.

Social connection:

Crying can be a signal to others that one needs support. This vulnerability can strengthen social bonds and encourage loved ones to offer comfort.

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