• Friday, 14 March 2025
County Official Shot Dead in Mombasa

County Official Shot Dead in Mombasa

At around 6 o'clock Sunday morning three armed men confronted Taufiq Abdallah a county employee and gunned him down within Kuze area old town, Mombasa county.

The assailants said to be on a motorbike found Abdallah and his friends outside their home preparing to go to the nearby mosque for Eid ul-Adha prayers before shooting him several times and killing him on the spot.

“Walikuwa wamechinja mbuzi wakingojea kupambazuke waende zao msikitini wakaswali kitendo cha dhulma kikatendeka hapo na hatujui ni akina nani mahali imebaki twamwachia mwenyezi mungu ndio atakaye mhukumia,” the victims uncle, Abdulrahman Amana told Citizen TV.

According to the police he was hit in the chest and abdomen. Security apparatus on the scene also revealed that Abdallah was found bleeding profusely, lying lifeless on the pavement.

With the attackers having fled without a trace, police have launched investigations to ascertain who they are and what was the motive of the murder was. 

The CCTV cameras within old town area are expected to give crucial information that may lead to their arrest.

“Twaweza kusema pengine si serikali ni majambazi yote lakini twasikitika sana kifo cha unyama mtoto mdogo na anasiku za kupaa Zaidi,” Omar Shariff, a resident of Old Town said.

A post-mortem was carried out at coast general hospital and the late Taufiq was thereafter buried as per the Muslim traditions.

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