• Saturday, 27 July 2024
Azimio MPs cause Drama in Parliament  Claim Security Withdrawn

Azimio MPs cause Drama in Parliament Claim Security Withdrawn

There was uproar in the National Assembly on Thursday after MPs allied to the minority side lamented that their security details were being withdrawn.

Standing on a point of order, Nyando MP Jared Okello claimed that the security escort of at least 22 legislators from the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party have been withdrawn contrary to the law and the standing orders.

The MP wanted Speaker Moses Wetangula to order the return of the police escort as the Chair of the Parliamentary Service Commission.

A robust debate ensued following the request, with Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah accusing Azimio-leaning MPs of misusing police officers especially during their anti-government protests.

“I ask the Interior Cabinet Secretary and the Inspector General of Police that if there is any MP whose security has been withdrawn let them reinstate it, but I must emphasize (that) please let us not misuse our officers,” said the Kikuyu MP.

“If you want to go for demonstrations, if you want to go for other errands at night, allow your officer to go home, take care of your business alone.”

Ichung’wah claimed that the opposition MPs were participating in illegal demonstrations while being protected by police officers, hence necessitating the withdrawal of the said men and women in blue who would otherwise be forced to use their firearms.

Kitui East MP Nimrod Mbai, who previously served as a police escort escort, told the House that it is awkward to be a police officer guarding a lawmaker who is participating in illegal demonstrations.

“It leaves a police officer in a very awkward position when a police inspector is teargassing an MP you are guarding for participating in illegal demonstration,” he said.

However, the assertion was vehemently opposed by the opposition MPs who accused the government of playing politics with their security.

”A former Vice President and a former Prime Minister are by law entitled to security, and that cannot be a matter of discretion,” said Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo, who claimed that the security of both Azimio leader Raila Odinga and Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka had been withdrawn.

Nominated MP and ODM Chair John Mbadi decried what he termed as the continued intimidation of opposition leaders by government by denying them security.

“This misuse of power should stop, it must stop; whether it was applied to TangaTanga, it was applied to NASA, it’s now being applied to Azimio...the misuse of power must stop, this idea of some police officers sitting somewhere and looking at us attending press conferences and our security is withdrawn like they did to mine on Monday must stop,” Mbadi said.

Speaker Wetangula ordered the Majority Leader to liaise with security agencies to the ensure security of members is reinstated.

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