• Saturday, 05 October 2024
Hassan Joho drums up support for ODM party in Migori county

Hassan Joho drums up support for ODM party in Migori county

The former Mombasa governor and his former political rival were hosted by Migori governor Ochillo Ayako at a fundraiser for Macalder SDA church.

ODM in a statement this morning has said Joho contributed a total of Kshs600K, which included the Orange party leader Raila Odinga's contribution of Kshs300K.

Shabhal gave a donation of Kshs300k at the event that was dominated by ODM campaigns.

"DPL Hassan Joho ⁦officiated a fundraiser in aid of the MACALDER SDA CHURCH in Nyatike Sub-County of Migori County. He said ODM is strong and united. DPL gave Sh. 600K which included Sh. 300K from PL Raila Odinga. EALA legislator Hon. Shabhal gave Sh. 300K," ODM said in a statement.

Joho drummed up support for the ODM party, promising to steer it should Raila step down as the leader after he clinches the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship.

Joho said the Orange party should live beyond himself, Raila and other leaders.

He told the residents that he would steer the ODM party into forming a government during the next 2027 general elections.

The former Mombasa governor, his fellow ODM deputy party leader Wycliffe Oparanya and Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi are some of the ODM top leadership that are fighting to take charge of the party should Raila step down.

In March 2024, Raila was forced to urge other ODM party leaders to refrain from stoking succession disputes that may fuel ethnic divisions.

Raila who had toured the Malindi Islamic Centre for Orphans during their fundraiser initiative to help in the infrastructure and education of the needy emphasised his continued leadership within the party, dismissing any notion of a leadership vacuum.

Raila likened those vying for leadership to individuals seeking to marry a woman while her husband is still alive.

"We need to keep this party alive. So whether it is Joho or Oparanya or me, we will move forward as a party," Raila said.

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