• Saturday, 06 July 2024
Musalia Mudavadi condemns violence and criminal activities witnessed during anti-government protests

Musalia Mudavadi condemns violence and criminal activities witnessed during anti-government protests

Musalia Mudavadi, the Prime Cabinet Secretary, has condemned the violence seen during anti-government protests and urged protesters to remain peaceful. 

Speaking to the diplomatic corps in Nairobi, Mudavadi emphasised the negative impact of violent protests on the country's stability and economic growth.

Mudavadi acknowledged the public's right to protest, but emphasised the importance of conducting demonstrations lawfully and peacefully. 

He expressed concern about criminals infiltrating protests, resulting in widespread looting and property destruction.

“The right to peaceful protest is enshrined in our constitution, and it must be protected. However, we cannot condone the actions of those who exploit these protests to engage in criminal activities,” Mudavadi stated. 

“Such actions not only undermine the legitimacy of the protesters' grievances but also inflict harm on innocent citizens and businesses.”

Mudavadi also outlined the government’s efforts to address the issues raised by the demonstrators, including ongoing dialogue and proposed policy reforms. 

He emphasised the government's commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the current crisis.

Mudavadi also urged the international community to support Kenya's efforts to maintain peace and stability. 

He urged diplomatic representatives to communicate the importance of nonviolent protests to their respective governments and to discourage any external interference that could worsen the situation.

“Kenya is a nation of laws, and we must all work together to ensure that our democratic processes are respected. Violence and chaos will only set us back,” he added.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary's statement comes against the backdrop of rising tensions and ongoing demonstrations across the country. 

With the death toll rising and numerous injuries reported, Mudavadi’s appeal for peace and stability is a crucial step in addressing the ongoing unrest.

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