• Sunday, 07 July 2024
Kirinyaga: Ugandan murder suspect who escaped from police custody has been re-arrested

Kirinyaga: Ugandan murder suspect who escaped from police custody has been re-arrested

A Ugandan murder suspect who escaped from Kiamaciri police station in Mwea West, Kiriynaga County on Friday has been re-arrested by members of the public at Ngumbatha village in Kangai. 

Phillipino Muifi, 23, escaped from custody under unclear circumstances after he was apprehended on May 18 for allegedly murdering a 64-year-old woman in November last year while working as a farmhand.

He had been held at the aforesaid police station when the court allowed detectives to detain him for 14 days as they continued with investigations.

According to Kirinyaga Police commander Adrew Naibei, they launched a manhunt for Muifi and were informed of his capture prompting a dispatch of officers.

Members of the public were baying for Muifi's blood but special unit police officers whisked him away to Kerugoya police station for interrogation.

On Sunday, police officers were deployed at the station to keep guard after irate members of the family stormed the premise demanding answers on how a suspect could escape custody.

The daughter of the deceased, Calorine Wangui, said she was shocked to be informed by the Officer Commanding Station (OCS) that Muifi had fled. 

“I want justice and the suspect re-arrested. I used my own money to see the suspect brought here from Uganda, right now they have released him,” Wangui said.

Police at Kiamaciri police station said that Muifi disappeared with another suspect who has also been re-arrested.

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