• Saturday, 05 October 2024
Archbishop Anyolo Prohibits Nairobi Based Clergy From Blessing Same Sex Couple Unions

Archbishop Anyolo Prohibits Nairobi Based Clergy From Blessing Same Sex Couple Unions

Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi Philip Anyolo has said any form of blessing of same-sex unions and activities would go against God's word and church teachings

In a statement, Anyolo said the declaration states and correctly affirms the traditional Catholic doctrine on marriage and family.

He said it also includes the disapproval of the Catholic Church of homosexual unions.


“To make sure the fundamental doctrinal positions affirmed in the Declaration and the perennial teachings of the Church on marriage, is upheld, all Clergy residing and ministering in the Archdiocese of Nairobi are prohibited from blessing irregular relationships, unions, same sex couples,” he said.

Reverend Anyolo said the teaching of the Church on marriage is not only rooted in Scripture and Tradition.

“This declaration confirms and reiterates the perennial teaching of the Church that marriage is to be affirmed as an exclusive, stable and indissoluble union of a man and a woman, naturally open to the generation of children and that the Church does not have the power to impart blessings on unions of persons of the same sex,” he said.

He said it is also rooted on natural law written into the hearts of every human being, Homosexual unions are against reason, against nature and against African cultural tradition.

“The African cultural traditions equally detests it as it is clearly against transmission of life,” he said

“The pastoral practices of the Church regarding marriage and family are always based on the Gospel of Christ which leads to eternal life and the enduring practices of the Church rooted in the Apostolic Tradition.”

Anyolo further said it is for the reason that the Church excludes those living in irregular situations of marriage from full sacramental participation in the life of the church.


Thus, he said, the notion of blessing same-sex couples, or irregular unions, can be perceived as legalizing the relationships.

On December 20, Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops came out to clarify Pope Francis's remarks on the blessing of same-sex couples.

They said the Pope did not allow priests to liturgically bless same-sex couples and neither did he endorse the union. 

KCCB Chairman Martin Kivuva Musonde explained that the directive by the Pope was only to welcome those in same-sex unions to church in hopes that salvation will change.

“This document seeks to awaken the invitation of all people to God's action and grace. The Church seeks to reach out to all individuals, to stir them to the path of conversion and salvation," he said. 

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