• Tuesday, 04 March 2025
West Pokot MCA Elijah Kaseuseu Scores A D+ In 2023, Vows to Bag a Degree

West Pokot MCA Elijah Kaseuseu Scores A D+ In 2023, Vows to Bag a Degree

West Pokot MCA Elijah Kaseuseu is proud of himself after Scoring  A D+ In 2023 KCSE exams. 

The West Pokot MCA scored C+ in English, C- in Kiswahili, C- in Christian Religious Education and four straight D plain in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and History and Government.

The MCA announced his intentions to continue pursuing his academic aspirations.


"I'm very proud of myself. This journey I will walk slowly until I own a Degree. No matter what! Congratulations to me," he stated.

In another post, Kaseseu stressed that he was a proud member of Daudi Msalaba (D class).

"Sisi watu wa Daudi Msalabani. Ndo tuko! Goodnight," he wrote.


PHOTO | COURTESY: West Pokot MCA scores a D+ in KCSE 2023



The politician's move to share the results online elicited mixed reactions from Kenyans who cited his example to justify the argument that the academic bar in the Kenyan political landscape has been set so low.

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