• Saturday, 05 October 2024
The secret  formula behind Otile Brown's successful life

The secret formula behind Otile Brown's successful life

Ever wondered why Otile Brown is constantly winning? When it’s down to the fact that she found the secret formula and I want to share it with any R&B star.

What most people don’t know is that when he started out he was trying to be a rapper and let’s face it his bars were weak. What is interesting is that it took the efforts of comedian cum MC and current politician Jalang’o to change his mind and his career path.

The Lang’ata member it was the one who told him he was better off singing as that is where his talents lay. And a star was instantly born as Otile Brown has been releasing hit after hit after hit. So what pray tell is his secret sauce?

Well, we can’t exactly say he’s been consistent at making music because we can go for months on end without hearing a new or Taylor song and I doubt he has enough material in his catalogue for him to ever go head-to-head against another Kenyan artist.

But what he seems to have fully become aware of is the fact that his audience is primarily, nah, scratch that exclusively women and he caters to that market perfectly!

Otile Brown does so by crafting his image to be that of both a lover boy and reluctant player but also ensuring that he is dressed to the nines, works on his body and gives women fuel for their fantasies.T hat is why his relationship with his ex, Nabi, was turned into a very public soap opera with the hymn coming off as the reluctant player who had met his match and was now head over heels for his lady love.I

t didn’t seem to matter that Otile Brown eventually found himself embroiled in a scandal as he was accused of cheating while on tour in Germany. Nah, that was simply a case of his old nature rearing its ugly head one that he eventually slow as he began to win back his ex.

When you talk to your sister, or if you’re related to an Auntie wa Harrier, you’ll soon realise that he embodies everything they want in their dream guy: He is traditionally handsome, light skin, and can sing. That is why your sister is always swooning over Otile Brown. He has managed to do what the likes of Willy Paul couldn’t fully actualise and his secret sauce cuts across generations as young girls as well as older women can’t help but be drawn in by his magnetic charisma.

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