• Monday, 03 March 2025
Shorn Arwa reveals she wants to focus on content from international travel and lifestyle

Shorn Arwa reveals she wants to focus on content from international travel and lifestyle

Travel vlogger Shon Arwa is in Jamaica exploring the Caribbean. She wants to focus a lot more on international travel and lifestyle.

This means that she is away from her family for long periods of time. The YouTuber will be in Jamaica for a month. 

"Truly dreams do comes true. My very first time," she shouted her joy.

Before adding,

"It's nothing like expected. All I can say is that the media does not do justice to this place. Jamaica is an amazing place, the weather is warm oh my goodness."

One sad aspect about traveling is missing her family, more so her baby and husband.

"I keep on telling myself at least all my sacrifices are paying off. I didn't leave my baby in vain."

She opened up about how traveling mothers have challenges.

"It's not the easiest thing to leave a baby who is breast-feeding and just comes and vlog and to say that, 'I will not let the fact that I have a baby be an excuse.' There are nights I just wanna cry and I miss my baby. I feel like my hard work is not going in vain.

For a very long time, I have always wanted to go international and for the first time in history, my followers list is international. Oh, men."

She has a son with her Nigerian husband.

"Coz it's not the easiest thing to like leave a baby who is breastfeeding just to come and vlog and to say that, 'I will not let the fact that I have a baby,' be an excuse.

It's not the easiest, there are nights when I just wanna cry, I miss my baby, mummy guilt. I'm like right now I should be seated with my baby. I feel like I'm a bad mum irresponsible, but I gotta keep going."

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