• Saturday, 05 October 2024
Revealed: Harsh consequences Kenyan men face for hurting loyal lovers

Revealed: Harsh consequences Kenyan men face for hurting loyal lovers

Love can be sweet and then can turn sour in the blink of an eye. What starts out as my man this and that can turn into that man or this man that you can’t stand.

But there are some women who persevere in such kinds of sour relationships. Putting up with all the dishonesty, disloyalty, and mistreatment because they have nowhere else to go.

According to a Kenyan man on TikTok, Flapah, these are the strategic women in desperate situations. The kind of women who have nowhere to turn to if the man they are with turns into their nightmares.

Women who would rather endure emotional and financial manipulation than have to suffer on the streets with no way of fending for themselves. Women who make up their minds to put up with such men for a time until they can get back on their feet.

It is these women that Flapah warns Kenyan men against hurting because, apparently, they will suffer more dire consequences than what they put the women through.

“There is no heartbreak that breaks a man like that one that comes from women who act like they have no other options in life other than being with that man because her people do not like her and she has nowhere else to turn to. She will endure beatings but not leave, especially if they have children together. There is no worse thing in life like such a woman giving you this opportunity to be yourself as she shows you that she has no other options in life. She allows you to do whatever you want while she is waiting for you- and you with your stupid brain continue to misbehave.

That woman becomes tired of you. She becomes single while still in a relationship with you. There is no worse thing in this world than this. A woman becoming single while still living with you. You will cry. The day she decides to leave you, you will cry and no one will help you. Imagine they don’t leave you while being dramatic, they just tell you they are going somewhere. If you ever recover from this heartbreak, you are mentally ill. She never left while being dramatic, and even if you try to win her back with your CEO positions, she will never come back to you. They learned the best way. They gave you all the chances you needed! Bro, take care. No woman has no options,” said Flapah.

His sentiments stirred up a storm as a section of Kenyan women affirmed his thoughts with their own experiences, as sampled below:

“That is me…walked out with 7 kids, saizi tuko (now we are in) Australia living like a princess,” revealed N.K.

“For me, it was the other way… he loved me so much and obsessed over me, nimemsumbua (I was a nuisance for) five months. Now, I’m in shock how he has moved on??na ako na dem (he has a girlfriend) already, in a period of 2 weeks?,” added D.

“That’s me 4 years down the line. I woke up one morning, prepared his tea and took a shower. I left for work and until today, I have never left work,” added W.3.

“My brother’s wife is already single, it’s only 6 months until she moves out, she’s my best friend, she deserves better,” confessed MC.

“I endured madharau (ill treatment) and was told no one could love me. Another man gave me the silent treatment. I left while he had travelled home, and right now I am in Canada with my two boys,” added A.M.

“I left for a new job in Nairobi, and he wished me good luck for the interview. The next thing he heard from my kids that, “Mum is in America. He used to tell me I am old,  no man can love me. I’m loved,” said C.

“I am planning my exit. I have been single for five years and I am living with him. I’m almost finishing to furnish my house. The day I will leave he will die of depression. My marriage of 12 years,” added T.H.

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