• Tuesday, 04 March 2025
Nyamira: Family demands justice after their 13-year-old daughter was impregnated by a relative

Nyamira: Family demands justice after their 13-year-old daughter was impregnated by a relative

A family living in Manga Area, Nyamira County is seeking justice for their 13-year-old primary school daughter who was allegedly defiled and impregnated by a 35-year-old relative last year.

The suspect later went missing after the family got wind of what had transpired.

The victim has since given birth to a child and the victim's family is accusing the police of laxity.

Citizen TV visited Nyamira County Referral Hospital's Maternity Wing where the primary school pupil, now a new mom is recovering after undergoing a Caesarian section.

Her case is that of a young girl whose relative took advantage of, defiled her and impregnated her.

The man identified as Jared Mageto is said to have asked the minor's parents for her help in taking care of his young children as his expectant wife was to deliver early last year. Mageto would in January this year dismiss the girl to return home.

"Huyo kijana nimetaja jina lake, bibi alienda kuzaa Nyamira, akazaa mapacha akaacha watoto wadogo yeye akasema nisaidie huyu mtoto anichungie hawa hapa," said the victim's father.

The family noticed that the 13-year-old was expectant and reported the matter to Sengera police station on 17th January. Months later, on returning to check on the progress of the investigation police said the case had to be reported afresh.

"Sub chief aliulizia ripoti hiyo akaambiwa haiko ,OCS akamweleza kuwa tena tuende aandikishe taarifa," the father added.

Emma Nyaboke, a Community Health Promoter who first took the minor to hospital added: "Nilimpeleka hospitali ikaonyesha kuwa ako mimba na after tukaenda tukaripoti,mahali alikuwa anaishi alikuwa anasema ni continous sio mara moja pekee."

The family says the suspect, a boda boda rider is on the run. They find it difficult to understand how police have not apprehended him months after they reported.

"Serikali itafute huyo kijana ,tunahitaji msaada sana sababu mtoto ni mdogo na amepata mtoto ,kumlea ni shida, hiyo ndio malilio yangu," the father lamented.

The colleagues of the perpetrator are also calling for his arrest.

"Tulikuwa tunafanya kazi ya bodaboda,kitu naomba namjua kama mtu mzuri hii kitendo kimetuudhi sana,naambia serikali ichunguze akipatikana ametenda hiyo kitendo achukuliwe hatua," said Cornelius Makana, a resident of Nyamira.

The family says the task that lies ahead is to ensure Caroline and her child are accorded support as investigations into the incident continue 

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