• Saturday, 05 October 2024
Nairobi County MCA accused of seducing, impregnating school girls

Nairobi County MCA accused of seducing, impregnating school girls

Kabiro Ward MCA Clarence Munga has denied claims circulating on social media that he is seducing and impregnating young girls in his ward.

Munga, who spoke to the Nairobian on phone, said that the allegations were baseless and aimed at tarnishing his name.

“Those claims are not true and I dare anybody with proof to present it,” said the Nairobi County Assembly lawmaker.

He said he was committed to working for his Kabiro people saying that he is not in any way involved in seducing young girls in his ward.

Some people in the ward had early this week published on social media reports claiming that the MCA was having love affairs with young women and girls in the area and impregnating them.

They also claimed that he had attacked his wife after she questioned him over the allegations which Munga vehemently denied.

Bribery claims

“I am a resident and voter in Kabiro, Dagoretti North Constituency. I am also a parent here and what is worrying us is the behaviour of the area MCA, one Clarence Munga, who is now impregnating our daughters and then threatening parents,” one resident wrote.

Another resident wrote that some of the victims were in secondary school alleging that the MCA had silenced their parents through bribing them with bursary and other goodies.

The residents asked the MCA to seduce older women and called the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to probe the matter.

“What does it mean for a community when an elected leader that was once seen as a figure of integrity engages in behavior contrary to the law? posed Rashid Kamau, a resident.

He added that the MCA’s conduct had raised serious ethical questions and caused distress among the community members.

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