• Monday, 03 March 2025
KEBS changes tune on the safety of edible oil imported by the government

KEBS changes tune on the safety of edible oil imported by the government

The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has re-entered the edible oil saga, stating that the shipment was subjected to various tests and did not violate any health or safety parameters.

KEBS clarified in a statement dated Wednesday, November 6, that the edible oil met the health and safety parameters specified in the applicable Kenya Standard after sampling, re-inspection, and testing.

”As regards to the edible oil, KEBS sampled, re-inspected, and tested the edible oils imported by Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC). From the tests done, the edible oil complied with all the health and safety parameters of the applicable Kenya Standard (KS EAS 769: 2019),” stated KEBS.

The sampled edible oils, however, did not meet the required Vitamin A levels, according to KEBS and therefore failed to meet the Kenyan threshold. 

“This is not a health and safety parameter; KEBS communicated the results to KNTC,” the authority said.

Earlier statements by KEBS had indicated that consignments of the imported edible oil failed to comply with the Kenya Standardisation Specification for Fortified Edible Oils and Fats, specifically in Vitamin A and Insoluble Impurities.

"Kenya Bureau of Standards subjected consignments entry number 23MBAIM402473344, 23MBAIM403321628, and 23MBAIM403235943 to test against the Kenya Standardization Specification for Fortified Edible Oils and Fats. The results established that the consignments failed to comply in Vitamin A and Insoluble Impurities," read a statement by KEBS.

The examination also revealed a slightly higher level of insoluble impurities (0.04) compared to the required standard of 0.05.

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