• Saturday, 05 October 2024
Kaa ridho!!! Red flags women should be looking for while dating

Kaa ridho!!! Red flags women should be looking for while dating

Our dating landscape is littered with numerous horror shows as far as choosing the right spouse goes. Just last week, one famous socialite had her life ended while going through the rigmarole of looking for love, something her famous cleric brother admitted to his congregants.


But sad as the lady's untimely death was, I think that some great lessons can be gleaned from the incident for women who are seeking love in these wild Kenyan streets.


Like potential red flags that women should be looking for when vetting whether a man is a serious candidate for romance?

(And tafadhali ladies, a man being BROKE shouldn't be your ONLY red flag. Character and behaviour should also be looked at)

So let's begin below;

Mixed Signals:

He sends confusing messages about his level of commitment, saying things like "I'm not into labels" or "Let's see where things go".

His actions often contradict his words. He might cancel plans last minute, prioritize other commitments over spending time with you, or rarely initiate contact.

Lack of Intimacy:

The conversation stays surface-level and rarely delves into deeper topics, shared goals, or future plans.

He shows little interest in getting to know you on a personal level, your aspirations, or your emotional well-being.

Limited Availability:

He keeps his schedule vague or avoids making concrete plans with you in advance.

He frequently disappears for extended periods without offering explanations or showing concern about your feelings.

Lack of Investment:

He makes little effort to integrate you into his social circle or introduce you to important people in his life.

He avoids meeting your family or friends, indicating a lack of commitment to the long term.

Unbalanced Effort:

You are the one constantly initiating contact, planning dates, and driving the relationship forward.

He shows minimal effort in reciprocating your gestures or putting equal thought into making you feel valued.

Friends-with-Benefits Zone:

He tries to keep things casual and avoids any talk of exclusivity or commitment.

He might even express discomfort with labels like "boyfriend" or "girlfriend."

Red Flags in Communication:

He avoids having serious conversations about the relationship, dismissing your concerns as "overthinking" or "needing space."

He makes hurtful or disrespectful comments about your feelings or opinions.

Remember, these are just potential indicators and not every sign points to the same conclusion. The most important thing is to trust your intuition and pay attention to how you feel in the relationship.

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