• Tuesday, 04 March 2025

"Eve wanted to buy me out of the brand" Director Trevor revealed reason for breakup

Director Trevor has revealed that Eve Mungai and him parted ways long before they publicly announced their breakup but continued working together professionally until everything went south in February 2024.

Speaking during an interview on the Iko Nini podcast, Trevor said that his romantic relationship with Eve hit rock bottom in 2023 and that they had a discussion with her parents where they agreed to continue working together professionally after their breakup.

"Sisi hatujakosana jana vile wasee wengi wanadhani, ama kubreakup ama kuachana. Wazazi wanajua, tushai kua na meeting na mzazi wa Eve na tuka agree we are not in a relationship but bado tunawork pamoja na ikakua sawa na tukaagree and even tukaagree vile tutarun business," he said.

Trevor added that he stopped working with Eve Mungai after she breached their 50/50 agreement where they earned an equal amount of revenue generated from their brand which included YouTube, Instagram and other platforms.

He claimed that Eve wanted more share because she felt she didn't deserve the 50 per cent stake being the face of the brand.

"Hio [the decision to stop working together] haikucome from my side. Me and Eve we had a 50/50 agreement on the kind of business that we do but ilifika point Eve akafeel like she does not deserve 50 per cent yet she is the image and the whatever of the brand so she wanted more," Trevor remarked.

He further explained that the brand's Instagram account, which Eve Mungai controlled, brought in more revenue for them in 2023 thus making her feel like she should be the one to decide what percentage she should be giving him.

"The whole of 2023 most of the money that we made ilikua inacome through Instagram. Instagram we can say ni ya Eve. The reason nasema ni ya Eve ni because Instagram ni kitu intimate ata leo hii tukikosana mi siwezi chukua Instagram.

"Yeah so most of the money ilikua inacome through yeye that's when alifeel 'I control this amount of money that is coming my way so I should be the one to tell you how much I am willing to give you'.

"For me I felt alikua anasahau the fact that for me I take this as a brand I don't care about Instagram ama YouTube ama what hii kitu yote is a brand that sisi wote tumebuild na there is a way tunafaa tuichukulie kama business kila mtu apate share yake vila inafaa," Trevor recalled.

Director Trevor additionally disclosed that Eve Mungai offered to buy him out of the brand - something that really annoyed him since he is the brainchild of all the platforms they owned and had a clear vision of what he wanted to achieve.

"In short, Eve wanted to buy me out of the brand [out of all platforms]," Trevor stated.

Asked why he did not even listen to Eve Mungai's proposal to buy him out, Trevor wondered how much she would have offered him when the brand was making about Ksh2 million a month.

"Singetaka ata niskie offer yake because I know she cannot afford. Because how much would you be willing to pay me for a brand that approximately pays Ksh2 million a month? You cannot buy something from me yet haujui value yake," Trevor said.

Director Trevor, who was romantically involved with Eve Mungai for nearly five years, confirmed they had parted ways both personally and professionally on February 19, 2024.

In a series of Insta Stories, Trevor disclosed that he had assumed full control of the YouTube channel and no longer needed Eve Mungai's services.

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