• Saturday, 15 March 2025
  • English
Comedian Mulamwah: 50/50 in Relationships Means

Comedian Mulamwah: 50/50 in Relationships Means "We Are Not One"

Stand-up comedian Mulamwah has shared why he does not advocate for 50/50 in a relationship. According to him, it is easier to put your finances together unless you do not believe in the relationship.

He was speaking during an interview with Dr. Ofweneke.


“I am not a fan of 50/50. As a man, you should own the house. Be the head of the house. Your duty as a man is to empower a woman. Bringing 50/50 means we are not one thing.

Put money together and use it unless someone wants to leave you and has already created a foundation somewhere else.”

What are girls doing wrong in relationships? Mulamwah responded by saying women are monetizing relationships.

“They are taking it like a job. You are in a marriage, and you expect a man to do things for you.

A man should empower you to do those things on your own.

I would want a woman who does things because I have empowered her. What they are doing is assuming everything is a man's responsibility.

Some women do not do things wanaweza fanya on their own. They are taking relationships like a job opportunity.”

Comedian and influencer Mulamwah 

How can one keep a man in a relationship?

“Just be soft, be in your feminine energy. Even if he is cheating, he will stop. He might even start coming home early. If someone has cheated once and you leave, how many times will you leave?”

Asked if he would forgive his partner, Ruth K, if she cheated on him, Mulamwah responded,

“If she cheated? Saa hii?” he said, laughing. “Uongo. Haiwezi. But you know that is out of the question because I don’t think she is that type of lady,” he said, adding that Ruth is a straightforward lady.

“I cannot forgive her, that is out of the question. She is not that type of lady. Even putting her on the spot like that is not a good thing.”

Social commentator Bravin Yuri is also of the opinion that men should not ask for 50/50 in a relationship.

*“When you get a man who says, ‘I can’t date a broke woman,’ run from such an individual.

These are the 50/50 merchants I have consistently warned you about.

It’s simple. You are the man; you are the provider. If I am rich, then she is also rich.

The true value of a woman is respect for the man.”*

In a past interview with SPM Buzz, MP Jalang’o also shared that men who go 50/50 are primitive.

“Men must provide. Why are you dating a woman if you can't provide for her 100%? Why are you making your woman pay for anything?” he asked.

Jalang’o defended himself, saying he provided even when broke.

“Even when I was broke, I never let any woman pay for anything. That's stone age, unpalatable, and primitive.”

Ladies, would you go 50/50 with a man?

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