• Friday, 20 September 2024
Chechnya Milashina attack: Armed thugs assault Russian journalist and lawyer

Chechnya Milashina attack: Armed thugs assault Russian journalist and lawyer

Russian journalist Yelena Milashina and lawyer Alexander Nomov were brutally attacked in Chechnya by masked assailants shortly after arriving at Grozny airport.

They were heading to attend a court hearing for a mother of three critics of Chechnya's leader, Ramzan Kadyrov. However, they were ambushed by at least 10 masked men who had been waiting for them, according to their accounts.

The attackers forcibly removed them from their car and subjected them to severe beatings with plastic pipes. During the assault, Yelena Milashina's head was shaved, and she was doused in green dye, which has been previously used in attacks against dissenters in Russia.

They were also demanded to unlock their phones, but due to the beating, Yelena couldn't provide her password.

As a prominent investigative journalist, Yelena had received death threats from Ramzan Kadyrov in the past. The attack left her with a brain injury and initially diagnosed with three broken fingers. Alexander Nemov also suffered severe injuries, including a stab wound to his leg.

The attack has drawn international condemnation, with human rights organizations calling for accountability and justice for the perpetrators. Despite the serious nature of the attack, there are concerns that the investigation might not be adequately pursued, given the connections between Moscow and Grozny authorities.

This incident is part of a disturbing pattern of attacks on journalists and collaborators of Novaya Gazeta, the independent newspaper Yelena Milashina works for. Chechnya's leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has a history of involvement in brutal actions, including alleged extrajudicial killings, abductions, and torture.

It's worth noting that Yelena Milashina has been targeted before, and she had fled Russia for a period in 2022 due to death threats from Kadyrov. Her investigative reporting on human rights abuses in Chechnya followed the path of two other women who were murdered for their similar work.

Amnesty International and the Council of Europe have condemned this attack and urged the Russian authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure the safety of journalists seeking truth and justice. The situation in Chechnya, with Kadyrov's controversial actions and his links to other crimes, remains a matter of concern in the broader human rights context.

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