• Tuesday, 04 March 2025
Boniface Mwangi among protesters arrested for chaining themselves to a mkokoteni outside parliament

Boniface Mwangi among protesters arrested for chaining themselves to a mkokoteni outside parliament

Activist Boniface Mwangi was among protestors arrested late Tuesday evening while carrying on with the demonstrations against the contentious Finance Bill, 2024.

Mwangi, Bryan Ngartia, Michael Ndungi, Shipeta Mathias, and Tevin Gatheru were arrested outside Parliament buildings where they had chained themselves to a mkokoteni carrying a giant symbolic briefcase written ‘Finance Bill’ complete with the Kenyan coat of arms.

They had brought the mkokoteni to the Nairobi Central Business District while wrapped aboard a lorry, before hauling it across the streets while chanting “People power...our power!

They were however intercepted by armed police officers, who accused them of being “wakora,” just a few metres to Parliament where they were headed.

The officers attempted to yank off the chains but were unable to, hence were forced to just bundle the protestors into their vehicle with the chains still on while pulling the mkokoteni.

They’re presently being held at the Kamukunji Police Station.

Mwangi had earlier on claimed that police officers had barricaded his offices, impounded his car and arrested everyone who was inside it, as well as confiscated placards and t-shirts that were to be used for the ‘Occupy Parliament’ protests.


Boniface Mwangi among protesters arrested for chaining themselves to a mkokoteni outside parliament

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