• Saturday, 06 July 2024
Why purging Junet  Muhamed may split Raila’s ODM Party

Why purging Junet Muhamed may split Raila’s ODM Party

Leaders across the political divide have come to the defense of embattled Suna East MP Junet Mohamed after his party ODM sought to discipline him for skipping key activities.

The National Assembly minority whip, who has maintained a low profile after the hotly contested August 9 presidential election which his party’s candidate Raila Odinga lost, has received a terse show cause letter from ODM to explain why he has frequently been “missing in action”.


Failure to explain, according to the letter, the MP could be stripped of his position in the National Assembly.


Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi defended the besieged lawmaker, saying he is being used as a scapegoat for the failed 2022 presidential bid.

He accused unnamed elements in the ODM party of trying to reduce the party’s membership to a village CBO.

“This scapegoating must stop. If some elements want to reduce The ODM party to a village CBO with membership of the same surnames let them say it plainly,” said Mr Abdulahi on X,  formerly Twitter.

“There is nothing Junet Mohamed has done, by commission or omission, without the express instruction and knowledge  of the top party leadership.”

Narok Senator Ledama Olekina (ODM) questioned the end game of such a move by the Mr Odinga-led party.

“What’s the projected end game in this? Should we not be building our party? This is not the way to go! It is wrong!,” tweeted the Senate Minority Whip.

Former Mombasa governor Hassan Joho-ODM deputy party leader, who has also been conspicuously missing from the party he is a deputy party leader, added: “Completely unnecessary and called for.”

Prof Makau Mutua echoed Mr Joho’s words, saying: Governor Joho, no truer words have ever been spoken. Kenya doesn’t have a finer patriot than our brother Junet Mohamed.”

Saboti MP Caleb Amisi said the MP should not be sacrificed for the unsuccessful bid, praising his role in the 2022 elections.

“Whoever is sponsoring such nonsense is unfair to the party and is not a leader but a goon. The work Junet Mohamed did for Baba very few can do. If you are a top leader who served with Junet and you believe he spoiled campaigns as you watched ,why didn’t you raise the matter then. Why now?” posed Mr Amisi.


“If we are cleaning #raila team, then it must be the entire team of lazy men and women who think power is given. You were all supposed to help him win. You all failed . Stop sacrificing junet or tell us which mistake he made.”

Keiyo South MP Gideon Kimaiyo, a Kenya Kwanza MP, said: “ODM is so predictable! I feel for Junet Mohamed.”

Dr Abdi Issa,  the second deputy governor of Isiolo County, termed the development victimisation of the MP by some groups in the ODM party.


“The victimisation of Junet Mohamed by the ODM party groups is yet another indication that this party is disconnected from reality. The night runner meeting being carried behind the tents will not undermine the strong leadership that Junet poses as a legislator,” he said.

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