• Saturday, 06 July 2024
UDA party grassroot elections kicks off despite delays in various counties

UDA party grassroot elections kicks off despite delays in various counties

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party grassroots elections kicked off in various counties to confusion largely caused by voter identification hitches in some parts and late starts in others.

In Nairobi, a significant number of voters could not vote as only a few were identified by the biometric gadgets, while the rest were declined including Governor Johnson Sakaja and Dagoretti South Member of Parliament John Kiarie.

Sakaja faced an unexpected setback when his name was absent from the party's registry.

Additionally, delays were reported in multiple locations due to theft of voting equipment.

“Nilienda kupiga kura nikaona kuna hitilafu kidogo ya kupiga kura kwa sababu ya jina,” Sakaja stated.

In West Pokot County, the elections also experienced delays, with voting starting at 4pm. Voters were compelled to wait for the exercise at 512 polling stations due to stolen election materials.

Governor Simon Kachapin urged county leaders not to exploit the elections to divide locals.

“Siasa ya mapema itagawanyisha sisi na tutakosa mwelekeo,” stated Kachapin.

In Narok County, election materials were seized in a forest in Narok East close to Kutete Primary School, sparking concerns about the transparency of the process.

“Venye tulikuwa tunadisrtibute hizi materials tukaanza kukosa materials tukafuata gari yenye ilikuwa imechukua kutoka tallying centre, tukakuja kupata kwa msitu,” Francis Topia, an election official in Narok, said.

In Homa Bay County, the process began late, prompting UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala to address concerns and call for patience.

“It is the first time, we are using digital platforms...one or two hiccups are expected and therefore tolerance is needed,” Malala noted.

In response, the UDA party announced measures like extending voting hours and establishing a call centre to handle complaints.

“We must take the interests of our members at heart. We must solve all the problems and we have started a call centre at the headquarters,” UDA Elections Board Chairman Antony Mwaura said.

The elections are set to continue in other areas of the country according to the party's schedule.

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