• Friday, 28 June 2024
President Ruto, Museveni and Raila Odinga hold talks in Uganda

President Ruto, Museveni and Raila Odinga hold talks in Uganda

President William Ruto, his Ugandan counterpart Yoweri Museveni and ODM leader Raila Odinga on Monday held talks in Uganda

Photos shared by President Ruto on his social handles showed the three having a discussion at a grazing field looking after cows.

Museveni, their host, is known to be a pastoralist who often spends his free time looking after his cattle.

A statement by Ruto disclosed that the trio discussed, among other issues, the candidature of the ODM leader for African Union Commission chairmanship.

"Had the pleasure of meeting President Yoweri Museveni at his Kisozi country home in Uganda. We discussed critical issues that affect our two countries such as energy and petroleum," Ruto said.

"Also discussed was the declared candidacy of Kenya's former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for the Africa Union Commission chairmanship."

Raila on February 15 declared interest in the AUC chairmanship seat saying he was ready for the role.

His visit to Uganda is likely set to mark the beginning of numerous tours to African countries to seek support for the AUC chair seat.

"I am inclined to accept the challenge and I am ready and I offer myself to be of service," Raila said after holding talks with Former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo at his Karen home on February 15.

Obasanjo is reported to have brokered a deal that gave birth to Bi-partisan Talks which ended anti-Ruto protests by the Azimio coalition.

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