• Saturday, 06 July 2024
ODM vows to initiate process to recall 6 MPs elected on the party ticket

ODM vows to initiate process to recall 6 MPs elected on the party ticket

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) now says it will initiate and lead recall processes for six Members of Parliament elected on the party ticket.

The MPs on the chopping block and the various constituencies they represent are; Gem (Elisha Odhiambo), Bondo (Gideon Ochanda), Navakholo (Emmanuel Wangwe), Kajiado Central (Elijah Kanchory), Ikolomani (Bernard Shinali), and Suba South (Caroli Omondi).

Addressing journalists after a Central Committee meeting in Nairobi on Tuesday, ODM Secretary General and Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna highlighted that the MPs disregarded their oaths of office by not considering the wishes of their constituents before voting on the now withdrawn Finance Bill, 2024.

"ODM shall initiate and lead recall processes in the following constituencies in light of the current office holders repeated violation of their sacred oath and the wishes of their electorate. They are; Gem, Bondo, Navakholo, Kajiado central, Ikolomani and Suba South," said Sifuna.

Sifuna also commented on the recent incident where protesters stormed Parliament, interpreting it as a vote of No confidence in the Kenya Kwanza administration.

He further called on the President William Ruto-led government to wake up and smell the coffee, and heed to the demands of the Kenyan people.

"In our view what happened on June 25, 2024, amounted to a vote of No confidence in the Ruto regime; it is clear that this fact is totally lost on Ruto and it is reflected in his petulant proposals on how we manage our economy following the rejection of the tax Bill," said the Senator.

"Instead of focusing on cutting wastage, opulence and corruption in his regime, he is hitting back at the Kenyan people with threats to cut funding for the Judiciary and county governments."

The ODM Secretary General also condemned the excessive use of force by police to disperse demonstrators and condemned reported cases of police abductions of protesters.

"We condemn the abuse of police power in the deployment of violent suppression techniques on innocent and unarmed protesters. we further condemn the ongoing arbitrary abductions of innocent Kenyans who are carted away in the most violent and inhumane manner and held incommunicado for days," said Sifuna.

"The Head of State has tried to distance his regime from its killings, injuries and abductions, instead conjuring up theories when everybody can see the blood on his hands. We have the most callous, insensitive and obtuse regime in the history of Kenya. It is no wonder chants of ‘Ruto must go’ are ringing out all across our land."

Sifuna, while criticizing President Ruto for downplaying the severity of the protests, likewise urged the Kenya Kwanza administration to take full responsibility for the deaths, injuries and property damage recorded during the demonstrations.

According to the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR), 39 people have been killed while a further 361 have been injured in the protests between June 18 to July 1, 2024  

"We were shocked to see the President claiming on Live TV that only one life was lost; it tells you how out of touch with reality he is. The Kenya Kwanza regime must take full responsibility for all the deaths, injuries and destruction of property arising from the violent suppression of peaceful protests," noted the Senator.

"The President must publicly direct his security organs to forthwith cease the ongoing abductions; an exercise we believe is being undertaken by his full approval and that of the State. He must account for and order the release of all the detainees abducted by security agencies."

Furthermore, the opposition party called on the Independent Policing and Oversight Authority (IPOA) to swiftly investigate allegations of police brutality during the demonstrations.

"IPOA must expedite investigations into all these incidents including allegations of mass murder by police in Githurai and Rongai," said Sifuna. 


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